Dr. Lee Presents to HL7 FHIR Open Source Tooling Series

On Friday, August 23rd, 2024, Dr. Preston Lee delivered an extended, hour-long presentation to the HL7 FHIR Open Source Tooling Webinar Series on HL7 FHIR Foundry. As he has done in previous, shorter versions of this presentation, SHARES is used as an example CDS Hooks-oriented use case for dissemination of complex software architectures through the system.

A complete webinar recording and transcript is available for free, with SHARES-specific portions starting at 33m:25s, here: https://hl7-org.zoom.us/rec/play/7JaR6ci1kURe1dF4tVYAH6Tb24VmNCAjzmvEXyzCa3lprOAcLjfbgg2cKpE8nrr0GamdI35IzheZ1N1b.NHHQZLyhghd1NNvD

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