Now it’s a SHARES Tradition: Copa Cookies together!
Pictured from left to right, top row: Darwyn Chern (Copa Health), Hannah Kaufmann (ASU), Martha Kaiser (ASU), Patricia Bayless (Valleywise), Adela Grando (ASU), Scott Bennett, (Contexture) , Cam Addams (AHCCCS), Daniel Mendoza (ASU), bottom row, Anita Murcko (ASU) and Mel Soliz (CBL)
On January 25, 2024 the SHARES Advisory Board gathered at the ASU Health Futures Center. For the 2nd Quarterly Advisory Board Meeting. Led by Chair, Dr. Patricia Bayless, they welcomed new members, discussed significant developments including recently-selected HEDIS measures, explored the website improvements and enjoyed a new SHARES tradition, the delicious Copa Cookies (thanks again to Dr. Chern!)
SHARES Advisory Board chair, Dr. Bayless kicked off the meeting with a warm welcome to our newest members, and Deborah Ariosto and Contexture’s Scott Bennett, JD. Dr. Murcko invited all to contribute a blog post on organizational updates, environmental developments and insights. Connect with Dr. Murcko or Daniel Mendoza, SHARES webmaster, for submission instructions.
Dr. Grando announced that SHARES team member Maheshwari Eluru was lead author on a new paper Physicians’ Perspectives on HL7 Information Policy Sensitive Value Set: A Validation Study through Health Concept Categorization that you can find on this website under “Research.”
Dr. Wei shared updates on the SHARES Patient Surveys. Dr. Murcko presented results of the SHARES Metrics Selection Survey, identifying the 4 HEDIS metrics to be used by SHARES. The meeting highlight was a compelling presentation on SHARES metrics by Cam Adams, AHCCCS QI expert, sparking engaging discussions among Board members regarding the next steps in our journey.
– Shafaq Siddiqui
ASU SHARES Student Researcher